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The Rosette Nebula, March 4 2019 & March 3 2020

The Rosette Nebula is an emission nebula in the constellation Monoceros, and is also known as Sh2-275 or Caldwell 49. An interesting extra piece of information that I can share here is that the Caldwell Catalog was actually compiled by the much missed amateur astronomer Patrick Caldwell Moore.

More information about this object can be found on its Wikipedia page.

The more observant readers will have noticed the gap in time between the 2 capture dates given above. I had captured and processed this image from the first set of data from 2019, but was never fully happy with how it looked because the filter that I used to enhance the nebula created stars without any indication of colour in them. I took the opportunity almost exactly 1 year later to take some more shots without the filter to enable me to show a little bit of colour in the stars.

As well as having a mixture of filtered and unfiltered shots, I also had to deal with different image scales because each set of images were taken on a different camera with different pixel sizes. This therefore allowed me to test the capability of Astropixelprocessor to combine images with different fields of view and different pixel scales. It performed flawlessly.

You can view this image in the WorldWideTelescope by clicking here.

Equipment details:

Mount: Celestron Nexstar Evolution

Mount Accessory: Celestron Wedge for Nexstar Mounts

Telescope: Skywatcher Evostar 72ED

Telescope Accessory: OVL Field Flattener

Camera: Canon EOS 6D for filtered shots, Canon EOS 1100D for unfiltered shots

Filter: Baader Planetarium T-Mount Filter Holder with UHC-S filter

Guide scope: Skywatcher 9x50 finder guide scope

Guide camera: QHY5L-II C

Capture details:

Frames: 198

Exposure per frame: 300" (x24 with filter), 30" (x174 without filter)

Total Exposure Time: 3 hours 27 minutes

Camera Control Software: AstroPhotography Tool

Guiding Control Software: PHD2

Processing details:

Stacking Software: AstroPixelProcessor

Image Manipulation Software: Adobe Photoshop

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