GH Astroimaging
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APP - AstroPixelProcessor

AstroPixelProcessor is a deep sky image processing application for a range of operating systems. It has all the tools to carry out every step of astroimaging, from initial debayering of raw subframes, through subframe calibration, integration, mosaic panel blending, light pollution removal, star colour calibration and histogram stretching. It really can do everything, but personally I still prefer to make the final adjustments in Photoshop.

The features of APP that convinced me to buy a license for this package were the light pollution removal tool and the mosaic integration tool. That is not to say that the other features are not impressive, but the results I saw in my first attempt at shooting a mosaic were incredible. The ability to smoothly blend uneven brightness over mosaic panels, giving a result where it is almost impossible to tell where the panel overlap sits, is a real highlight.

You can learn more about the capabilities of this application at the APP website.

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