GH Astroimaging
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The Dumbbell Nebula, September 25 2020

The Dumbbell Nebula, also known as the Apple Core Nebula, M27 or NGC6853, is a planetary nebula in the constellation Vulpecula.

More information about this object can be found on its Wikipedia page.

This is my second image captured using my new (at the time) small pixel camera. As with the previous attempt with this combination of equipment, you can easily see that the stars are not circular, but I think I managed to improve a little on the previous attempt on the Ring Nebula. It is nice to be able to capture objects that have such small apparent sizes in the sky, but in order to achieve results of comparable quality to images of much larger apparent size it is necessary to have a mount with far superior tracking accuracy than I am ever likely to possess.

You can view this image in the WorldWideTelescope by clicking here.

Equipment details:

Mount: Skywatcher HEQ5 Pro

Telescope: Celestron Edge HD8

Telescope Accessory: Celestron Off Axis Guider

Camera: ZWO ASI178MC

Guide camera: QHY5L-II M

Capture details:

Frames: 109

Exposure per frame: 60"

Total Exposure Time: 1 hour 49 minutes

Camera Control Software: AstroPhotography Tool

Guiding Control Software: PHD2

Processing details:

Stacking Software: AstroPixelProcessor

Image Manipulation Software: Adobe Photoshop

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