GH Astroimaging
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77% Waxing Gibbous Moon, February 4 2020

I originally set up on this night with the intention of capturing more data on the Orion Nebula to add to what I had collected a couple of weeks previously, but it quickly became obvious that the moon being so close to my target was making it a futile effort. The light from the moon was simply washing out what I was aiming at, meaning that anything I captured wouldn't have a high chance of improving the quality of what I had already captured.

Rather than give up, I decided just to aim at the moon itself. As with my previous moon images, I chose to process this with colour enhancements to emphasise the mineral composition of the different areas of the moon's surface. I do have a personal preference for these coloured moon images, but I know that they're not to everyone's taste, so I normally make additional versions without the colour enahncements applied. This set of data also gave me my first opportunity to work with an updated version of my usual lunar and planetary stacking program, so this was my first image using Autostakkert!3.

Equipment details:

Mount: Celestron Nexstar Evolution

Mount Accessory: Celestron Wedge for Nexstar Mounts

Telescope: Skywatcher Evostar 72ED

Telescope Accessory: OVL Field Flattener

Camera: Canon EOS 1100D

Capture details:

Frames: 150

Exposure per frame: 4ms

Total Exposure Time: 600ms

Camera Control Software: AstroPhotography Tool

Processing details:

Preprocessing software: Planetary Imaging PreProcessor

Stacking Software: Autostakkert

Sharpening Software: Registax

Image Manipulation Software: Adobe Photoshop

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