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The Pleiades, January 25 2023

The Pleiades, or The Seven Sisters, M45 or Subaru, is an open cluster of stars in the constellation Taurus.

You can find much more information on this object on its Wikipedia page.

This object is a reflection nebula, and is not suited to capturing through the narrowband filters used for some other images here, such as the Lion Nebula or the Pacman Nebula. This is taken using LRGB, or broadband filters, with the intention of creating something that resembles what you would see visually if human eyesight were sufficiently sensitive to pick up the faint light.

The LRGB names of the filters represent the bands of light that each filter allows to pass through to be captured by the camera. The L, or Luminance filter passes all wavelengths from around 400nm to around 710nm, The R, or Red filter passes wavelengths between around 620nm and 690nm. The G, or Green filter passes wavlengths between around 490nm and 560nm, and the B, or Blue filter passes wavelengths between around 430nm and 510nm.

The observant among you may have noticed a couple of things about these band passes. There is a gap between around 560nm and 620nm where most of the light is blocked. This range of wavelengths includes the emission lines from sodium and mercury vapour street lights, although nowadays most street lights are actually broad spectrum LED lights.

Also, there is an overlap between the B and G filters from around 490nm to 510nm. This means that the emission line from nebulae containing OIII signal is passed through both of these filters, which helps to ensure good representation of the teal blue colour from those areas.

Unfortunately the window of clear sky for this image was short, and I was unable to capture enough frames through each filter to allow the outlier rejection algorithms in stacking to properly reject some satellite trails that are still visible in the final image.

You can view this image in the WorldWideTelescope by clicking here.

Equipment details:

Mount: Skywatcher HEQ5 Pro

Telescope: Skywatcher Evostar 72ED

Telescope Accessory: OVL Field Flattener

Telescope Accessory: Gerd Neumann Camera Tilt Unit

Camera: QHY294M Pro

Filter Wheel: QHY Colour Filter Wheel

Filters: Antlia V-Pro Series LRGB Filters

Guide scope: Skywatcher 9x50 finder guide scope

Guide camera: ZWO ASI178MC

Capture details:

Frames: 70

Exposure per frame: 60" (x20 Luminance, x20 Red, x18 Green, x12 Blue)

Total Exposure Time: 1 hour 10 minutes

Camera Control Software: AstroPhotography Tool

Guiding Control Software: PHD2

Processing details:

Preprocessing Software: Starnet++

Stacking Software: AstroPixelProcessor

Image Manipulation Software: Adobe Photoshop

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