GH Astroimaging
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Conditions of Use

The conditions below are intended to ensure that all users of this website can do so in the knowledge that it is a safe, friendly environment that welcomes everyone. Creating a user account is not necessary to view all website content. The only reason to create a user account is to enable the feature of leaving comments on image pages.

If you consider any of the conditions to be unacceptable then please do not create an account. You will still be free to view all content. If you do choose to create an account, this will be taken as your agreement to abide by all conditions.

Condition 1

Respect others at all times. The use of language that could be viewed as discriminatory in any way is unacceptable. This includes but is not limited to the use of racist, sectarian, misogynistic or homophobic terms.

Condition 2

Keep comments relevant. Comments that are not related to either the image on a particular page or the equipment used for that image may be removed.

Condition 3

Accept the validity of science. This site is about astrophotography and astronomy, not astrology. The Earth is not flat. Men have walked on the Moon.

Condition 4

The final determination of what is acceptable and not acceptable lies entirely with the site administrator. Questionable comments may be edited and users may be emailed to explain if this happens. Unacceptable comments will be redacted or deleted depending on the specific content. In extreme cases user accounts may be deleted without warning.

If the above conditions are acceptable, please go ahead and sign up.

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